Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mirror's Edge, Far Cry 2, Civilization IV

Hey guys, Raw here again. This is just to inform you what game review is going to be coming up next, and what is going on in the gaming world.

The game I'll be reviewing next is Civilization IV, or Civ4 for short. The review will come out within two weeks, as I still haven't experienced all there is to do in Civ4, and therefore the review may not hold all the details you guys might be looking for.

Next, I'd like to say that Mirror's Edge and Far Cry 2 are definately games I have been anticipating. So you can definately see a review sometime in late 2008, or even early 2009.

Last thing I'd like to inform you all of is that I may not be as active on this blog as I hope to. But I will get to it every now and then. So in a week or two, you can find a review of Civ4 from me.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

My first blog.

Hey guys, Raw here. This is my first post on this new blog spot, I was referred to here by a friend, because I want to see how hard it is to have a blog up and running. Anyway, this website will be for all my game reviews, so check it out if you'd like to see them, and the next one coming up should Civilization IV.

Anyway, check out my friends forum here -

I'm under the user-name "Raw!"

Right, thanks for your time, and reviews will be coming in about a week or so.
